Today I've decided to put my second plan of my year off in motion. My first was executed with ease with help from the lovely boyf. It was an interrailing trip from Stockholm to Paris via Copenhagen and Amsterdam and was most definitely the best start to my year (i.e. September to September!). This second plan will take far more thinking and organisation on my part. It will be a fortnight visit to my relations in Lebanon.
I've only once travelled alone on an airplane (and that was Heathrow to Dublin, hardly challenging!) and I've never been outside Europe. I'm excited and very nervous. I'm not nervous about the destination, no, my cousins will certainly look after me, I'm nervous about the fact that I'm actually doing something I've been talking about doing for years. Literally years!
I'm a serial procrastinator when it comes to all aspects of my life and I usually end up sticking to the normal route and not straying. This is going to be a great experience, for certain. It will open my eyes to a world I've only read about in papers and seen on telly.
I can't wait. This is it. This is me finally realising my potential and living up to the grand high expectations I set for myself as a teenager to be different and to experience everything.
Some people may think that I am overreacting, but I think I'm on my way. If I only have one year to make myself the person I should be, then every experience and opportunity can and will help me do that.
Two weeks can change a life, I'm hoping it will help shape mine.